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A pattern to make your very own skull butterfly! You will receive a six-page DIY embroidery pattern pdf with instructions, supplies needed, pattern, and color chart.


This pattern takes about 15-30 hours to stitch, depending on the size and how thick your thread is. This is a great pattern for beginner to intermediate stitchers. Some knowledge or research may be needed if you are starting with no embroidery experience!


Enjoy stitching this embroidery pattern! Make sure to tag me on social media so that I can see your finished piece @sophiemargotart


You can also find this pattern available for all tiers on Patreon! For only $3 a month, you can have access to all new embroidery patterns, plus exclusive digital downloads, progress updates, monthly blogs, videos and more!

Skull Butterfly Embroidery Pattern DIGITAL

  • If you would prefer a .jpg instead of the pdf provided, send me an email or message and I will send it to you!!

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